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deBebe.com.hk是一個專誠為母親及嬰幼兒提供優質母嬰用品的服務平台。我們為您提供各式各樣的優質產品,種類繁多。 我們明白現代父母對產品要求嚴格,故致力搜羅世界各地之高質素嬰兒產品,確保嬰兒及幼童能安全健康使用為宗旨,這是我們對顧客之服務承諾。我們盡力為您心愛的嬰孩提供最佳購物選擇。

Scuba Monster Underwater Photography & Diving Equipment為一間以水中攝影教學及器材為主題而設立的潛水攝影專門店。涉及水中攝影,提供各類水中攝影器材及配件之零售,租用及維修。各國水中攝影器材熱門品牌包括INON,Nauticam,Nexus,Recsea,Seatool,Ikelite,i-Divesite,Ultralight ,Sea&Sea,Fisheye,Athena,Light&Motion,Acquapazza等等。同是涉及潛水儀器零售及PADI潛水訓練課程。
致力推廣正確可持續性安全、環保的潛水運動並不斷提升改善服務質素,創新務實並爭取公司成為知名品牌,及潛水服務行業的領導者,並成為倡導企業社會責任為公司核心價值,令下一代可享受健康環保的生活模式。 讓更多人可享受海底世界的喜悅,減少使用地球資源,為環保作出貢獻。
We use quality ingredients and you will taste the difference. Our motto is that our creations look BEAUTIFUL and also DELICIOUS. This is what sets us apart. How it tastes is as equally important as how great it looks. This means a lot of attention to detail. We use real butter, fresh eggs, Belgium chocolate, pure cream and high quality ingredients because this is what our discerning customers expect from a cake or dessert from Sweet Secrets. Everything is made fresh at our premises.
100% made in Australia ingredients
Oz Kids understands the physiological uniqueness of the Asian babies. The milk powder contains GOS(Galacto-oligosaccharides, GOS is added to infant formula because it assists with infant gut health by promoting beneficial bacteria to thrive in the infant’s immature digestive system. And Lutein is added to Oz Kids formula, it is well known for eye health. It promotes digestion by improving the body’s food absorption, making it easier for the baby to assimilate the full nutritional value.

RIVA Jewelleryis an online jewellery shop offering numerous kinds of jewels. Before using MOSES, it adopted another system which can only support some simple functions. As Riva Jewellery has large amount of transaction everyday, they have to use separated systems to deal with the accounting and stock management before using MOSES. However, MOSES let it handle all the transaction and stock management at one time, which speed up the transaction process. In addition, Riva Jewellery has outlets in different countries, MOSES let it centralizes all management in one system. MOSES POS also supports offline transaction, which allows Riva Jewelery deal with transaction at exhibitions.
MIXX 為近年備受注目於歐洲註冊的香港原創品牌。 主要产品為時尚首飾及首飾電子产品。 憑著優秀的設計團隊, 領先的工業技術, 以創新設計為市場定位。 公司致力於開拓時尚創新的首飾市場,並成功地研發時尚閃爍活潑及個性化的首飾耳機及USB快閃記憶體的配飾,以迎合千變萬化的消費市場及不同個性客户群的需要。
是由香港作家姜紫藍創立。 紫藍除了是一位作家,亦是一位攝影師及設計師,網站上的圖片和產品(特別是姜の藝),大部分都是紫藍親自設計及操刀拍攝。十二年前紫藍得了白血球免疫系統絶症,從死門關拉鋸後回來的她,游走幕前幕後,有著一些寫作及設計上的獨特靈感與想法。紫藍的格言是:堅持每天樂業和樂活,祟尚人美心境美。
懷著同理心與關懷,我們努力搜羅來自世界各地優質、安全、可靠的健康有機食物、營養補充品及用品,希望能有助於將有機飲食、及以食物增強抵抗力等概念帶給我們能及的社區中所有家庭。把健康、美味、有利生態環境的有機食品帶給我們關心的人;透過健康飲食及生活平衡,提昇身體健康。 我們提供的有機功能食品適合兒童、成年人、長者、慢性病患者(糖尿病、高膽固醇、高血脂、高血壓、肥胖、痛風、便秘、濕疹、癌症等)。經常食用,可減少長期對藥物的依賴及副作用。
「家香」臘味品牌,創立於2003年,總店設於元朗。創辦人自小跟隨父親於東莞常平經營豉油和臘味生意,故在耳濡目染之下,對此行業產生了濃厚興趣並於1970年代執掌恒安臘味,後因政府拆卸工場轉營其他生意。後來在家人的鼓勵下,以 55 歲之齡,創立「家香」臘味品牌。「家香」之名,是取其諧音「家鄉」,希望每個人吃到「家香」的食品,都會想起家庭的溫暖,亦取其「家的香味」之意。憑藉超過30年從事臘味生意的經驗及智慧,「家香」對每項產品,都非常用心製作,堅持選用自家調製的生曬豉油,採用上乘肉材,以創新設計的烘焙焗爐,按袓傳秘方炮製臘味產品。現由第二代接掌生意,並開始為傳統的臘味食品注入新元素,創製全新獨特口味,開拓年輕化市場。一口咀嚼家香臘味時,感受的不僅是濃郁的香味,更是創辦人的用心。
在潮流的帶動下, 很多家庭對食物的營養價值提高了要求, 食物不但要色、香、味、美, 還要另家人們吃得健康。本店亦趕上這個潮流為每個家庭提供多樣天然及有機的肉類、家禽及食品, 希望更多家庭真的可以食得健康, 活得健康!

此網站為深圳市恩希电子商务有限公司旗下品牌-CANVAUS卡恩希的主要銷售平台.CANVAUS卡恩希 – 主營時尚職業女裝.
Links Couture is about style, trend, and design. We offer cufflinks which are suitable for various occasions, not only for formal event or business occurrence. You would find different kind of geeks and techies cufflinks in Links Couture for your geeky friends as well.
Welspring 康泉 is an organic fair-trade health food store. We import quality foods and beverage, food supplements, personal care (facial, oral, body, female hygiene) and eco-friendly household cleaning supplies to support you and your family to live healthier and better. Our products are natural, organic, gluten free, fair trade, vegetarian or raw.
At hingfatflora.com, our goal is to help you develop your ideas, express your wishes and sentimental thoughts. We also aim to enhance the ambiance of your living and corporate workplace with our unique range of floral designs and fresh flowers from all over the world! Now, the “World of Flowers” is just a click of a button or a phone call away.
Dear stylish mom and dad, if you are looking for some latest fashion trend, lifestyle news and practical parenting skills, you must have LOVE KIDS app. LOVE kids is an interactive app + digital magazine, to let you know more about your kids, and you can share your interesting thoughts with your friend on facebook wall through our app. So you can leave your comment and even upload photos there!

The Green Olive Limited has been serving retail and catering section in Hong Kong. We import fine food products mainly from Italy, France, Malaysia and Thailand. We also acts as a sole and exclusive importer and distributor of Ottavia Olive Oil, Manfredi Barbera Olive Oil, Faraci Pasta, Mussini Balamic Vinegar, Tomato products for Hong Kong and Taiwan market.
Founded in 2009, the first luxury indoor CQB wargame center in Hong Kong, Impact Force supports Airsoft (war gaming) like no one else. We offer the best and safest Airsoft environment, with a goal to help the sport of Airsoft grow bigger. Impact Force’s first walk-in store for retail customers was started in 2012, which was developed by Impact Force’s Chairman- Billy Chong.

Wine Stoneis a Germany Wine wholesaler. There are about 140 grape varieties grown in Germany, and the most grown are Riesling and Müller-Thurgau (or Rivaner), among the roughly two dozen others found in the market. The 13 wine growing regions mark the diversity German wines can offer. These regions are some of the most northerly wine growing regions in the world.There are no clearer wine labels in the world than the German wine labels! All the strict requirements for the German producers make wine users the ultimate beneficiaries.

HANALIEis a brand that believes in delivering feminine and facile ensembles that would find a home in every woman’s wardrobe.

We aim to produce versatile collections that possess the effortless thrown- together aesthetic. “Trend is ephemeral. Style is eternal.” is the core value of our label.

Rass Languageis a distributor of kid’s books. It also runs online shop and retail books and teaching materials of different aspects, includes audio CDs, animated DVD etc. As there are many different kinds of products, Rass Language uses MOSES to manage the variety of stock, such as stock purchase, stock sold, stock return and delivery etc. MOSES can also stock level alert functions, which help it to purchase stock just in time and prevent overstocking. Rass language only need to login MOSES and is able to browse all the stock level at warehouse and alteration of stock anytime anywhere.

HallsWineryis a red wine shop selling red wine from France, Spanish, Italy and other countries. The staff need to purchases red wine from rest of the world everyday, MOSES supports them to generate different purchase documents, e.g. purchase order, supplier receipt etc., accelerate their transaction time. Employees only need to input the purchase information once and MOSES will automatically update the data to all other parts. In addition, MOSES’s out of stock alert will remind them to make purchase orders, which prevents the stock shortage leading to loss of transaction.

Diamond Resolutionis a diamond shop with customers around the world. It offers various jewellery including diamond, gold, white gold and pearls etc. MOSES launched a tailor made business management system for diamond and jewellery industry with unique functions such as diamond search engine, customers can choose their beloved diamond based on color, price, weight and shape etc. Besides, the system behind can let Diamond Resolution to handle sales order and manage every transaction process. It can expand its business over all the China cities through MOSES Net. MOSES Net is the best channel for those jewellery shops which do not have retail or wholesales license in mainland china.
零食館is a snack shop which has 5 outlets in Hong Kong selling over 3000 types of products. Before using MOSES, it took more than 2 hours to stock take and stock order everyday. However, MOSES supports all the stock management, saving time in stock take and re-order. The out of stock alert function also help零食館 to stock back-order in time. The transfer note is also useful for their stock transfer to other shops.
Audenis a mushroom shop selling self farmed mushrooms. Auden has a product line and MOSES supports the management of every production process. For example, production cost calculation, raw material cost, seed order and other material list etc. The production management can also integrate with other aspects, such as purchase, sales and accounting etc., which is a real one-stop management system.
Scuba Systemis a diving products wholesaler. It uses MOSES to manage accounting and finance, such as profit and cost calculation, stock management, quotation, invoice and receipt generation. Through MOSES, Scuba System can generate different financial statements for sales and marketing analysis. It can also browse the profit and loss statement and balance sheet etc. for easy financial control. In addition, account receivable and payable management is also allowed through MOSES and the statements generated can be used for tax return.
FEIFAHis a food shop selling variety of special food, for instance durian moon cakes that was launched in 2005 and became the popular moon cake brand. FEIFAH has launched the e-commerce platform for customers to give suggestions conveniently.
Marinetoneis an online shop selling over 3000 diving products and underwater photographic equipments in more than 20 brands.

Ecotecisa natural paint shop selling products mainly imported from Germany. Natural living has variety of products, including paints, house ware, health products, body care and pet products etc. MOSES supports numerous products management as well as for different size, weight, bar code, unit, graphic etc. letting Natural Living to centralize the product management. Besides, Natual Living can import an excel comprising product information and all the other data in the system will be updated simultaneously. Employees can save a lot of time in stock take and allow them to manage more efficiently.
WineLotis an online store selling red wine, champagne and wedding wine etc.
HipGifts.com.hkis an online shop, strive to provide the best buy and innovation products to the customers.
Francesca & Giovanniis a cake shop which also provide chocolate fondue fountain for wedding, celebrations and corporate events etc. It serves the premium fondue chocolate on Sephra chocolate fountains which are selected by many 5 star hotels and restaurant worldwide.
Now storeis an online Rubik’s cube store. It expanded to retail stores in CausewayBay and Mongkok within 2 years.
目一親子is an online platform providing parental coupons, articles and for parents’ sharing etc.
Priceless.comis an online coupon shop selling variety of coupons of large retailers, e.g. supermarkets, electronic stores, restaurants etc. Priceless attracted many members and MOSES allow it to preset discounts to them. Different visitors would use different logins to browse the special prices for their groups. More, discounts are also applicable to the bulk purchase transaction.
